I fell in love. I fell in love at a young time in my life a time when I was discovering what love was and I can say it was something to behold. We created magic, we created energy, and we created a love to remember. However, that love turned into a leach it created something that couldn’t be addressed. The love I had was stolen from me consistently and constantly. So what happens when you’re young and “In love”. Well you see that’s the thing. You don’t know what to do. To accept love and affection is easy but to give and reciprocate it back is another. So in a time like this with something like this. Love can be skewed and the thought of it happening again can be scary.

However, I grew up I went to college I did the thing I love most in this world and once again to my surprise I fell in love. Now a little older a little wiser I gave and reciprocated love once again. I had fun with my partner, I loved my partner and in turn I fell in love with my partner. The great days were magic, and the bad days were bad days, but when the hard times came, I chose to love. Not just because I was in love but because that’s the love, I wanted to give for the person I loved. To feel safe, and secure. To feel what real love is like. I gave what I could while they gave what they could, and I can say it was love. Everyone tells you what to do when you’re in love, but no one ever tells you what to do when you grow apart, it creates questions and creates a choice to once again choose to love or to grow. Some of the greatest things we can do is to love the partner we have but an even greater choice I have learned is to choose to love who we are becoming

- I.M

I fell in love. To me there was a time when I was very young, I had my first boyfriend, when we got together, I had these great feelings of affection that I thought I was in love and felt as though I knew what to be in love and falling in love truly felt like. As I grew up, I tend to look back at it and realize to me it was more of an experience in what love could be. This changed about a year ago with him I can say I truly fell in love and looking at it I do know what love feels like. You see when you’re in love you don’t question it, you don’t ask what this feeling is, or how it got there, you just know that you’re in love and that might sound cliché, but it’s true. 

When I fell in love, I knew it was real, it was mutual, it was fun, it was exciting and more than anything it was ours. People always say when you’re in love things must be perfect, but the truth is just because you’re in love doesn’t mean everything is perfect but to us that was ok because the love, we shared wasn’t perfect or extravagant but no matter what it was it was truly ours. The hard part about love is that sometimes it doesn’t work out and, coming to that realization is hard, but I know for me I am beyond grateful for the love I gave and just as grateful for the lessons, the memories, and the love I received in return.

- K.A